Purchases made will be processed, carefully packed and dispatched/shipped soon as the order is received. We will email a tracking id to you once your item(s) is packed and ready for delivery. You can use the tracking id provided to check the status of your parcel.

We’d like to note that shipping duration may take longer than usual during festive seasons and/or if your parcel gets held back for customs clearance (for international orders). 

Once your parcel has been sent out, all the information regarding your parcel will be handled by the Delivery Courier.

*Please note, all international orders are subjected to their respective country's customs and import duty fees. Your customs and import duty fees will be determined by the country of import upon arrival of your order based on your product value. These fees are not included in your ALHUMAIRA order and shipping cost. All customs and import duty fees must be paid by the parcel recipient.

How long does delivery take?

3-5 working days for delivery within Peninsular Malaysia. 

5-7 working days for delivery to Sabah, Sarawak and international orders

What if I am not in at the time of delivery?

You must ensure you will be available to accept delivery at the Delivery Address on the delivery date as agreed between you and ALHUMAIRA. If you are not available and re-delivery is required, an email will be sent for you to arrange for redelivery. Whereby a re-delivery is required because you were not available at the agreed time, you are consented to pay additional Delivery Fees as required by the Delivery Courier.